Currently listening to: No Need to Argue – The Cranberries
Sometimes, I can hear my neighbors screaming in Korean. It makes me extremely uncomfortable. The dad sounds almost belligerent, it’s hard to tell what language that he’s shouting in. They seem to do this every month. I called the cops on them a couple of times already but they keep doing it for whatever reason. They should at least close their windows if they must carry on like that. I find it uncouth and hella awkward.
I hate yelling…which is why I rarely will do that. It’s not a conducive way to communicate. I’m actually the opposite when people get angry with me. When someone yells or talks loudly at me, I tend to shut down and become very quiet.
If you ask any of my friends or exes, they’ll tell you that I’ve never raised my voice at them. Ever. The only person I’ve ever had a loud outburst towards was my brother. He likes to provoke me…to test my limits. I can tolerate a lot but he can do some out of pocket shit that can be highly offensive and aggravating.
Example one: once my brother and I went to get coffee at Dunn Brothers. Afterward, he drove us to Bde Maka Ska, which is a large lake in Minnesota. When we got there, he said, “Get out. You need to walk around the lake, you’re getting fat.” Did I get mad? No. I got out of his car and walked for an hour before he picked me up again. During that time, I meditated and enjoyed the scenery.
Example two: in high school, he barged into my room, swiped everything off my desk, and then had the audacity to turn off the lights while I was working on my homework. Well, when that happened, my computer shut down and I hadn’t saved the three hours of homework I was working on. Everything was lost. That’s when the k-rage began to boil over and before he knew it, we were at each other’s throats, fighting WWE wrestlemania style. We were both bleeding, shirts ripped, out of breath, and hurling profanities at each other.
It’s been a long time since we’ve fought or yelled at each other. We’re just too old for that shit now. Things have been rather peaceful between us.
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