Currently listening to: Creep – Radiohead.
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You’re so fuckin’ special
I wish I was special
It’s been a day to say the least. There are days when I’ll turn my phone off just to escape from the digital world. I dislike phone calls, especially from numbers that I don’t know and sometimes from numbers that I recognize.
I also don’t like receiving e-mails. I have it set up where a majority of it goes to spam or trash. Even though I can read quickly, it just exerts way too much energy from me. The texts are out of bounds. I could go days or weeks without responding. I know this pisses people off but I warn them in advance.
When I come home from work, my social battery is drained. I need my personal space and time so I can do it all over again tomorrow. Most of my friends are extroverts (energy vampires) so I don’t know if they comprehend what it’s like. Because when I don’t answer or respond to them, they will send even more texts or God forbid…call me. And I’ll let it go straight to voicemail. I don’t have the bandwidth for that after working 14-16 hours and going to the gym.
Just know that if I respond to your e-mails, texts, messages, dms or whatever…it means you’re special.
You’re so fucking special…
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