just rojie

shut up, sit down, and read

before i become a gym bruh…

Currently listening to: I’m A Slave 4 U – Britney Spears

I have this love-hate relationship with the gym.  Whenever I go, I usually sign up for the whatever classes aren’t full or spend an hour or more doing cardio.  But that isn’t helping with the fatness that’s going on my hips, thighs, core, and ass.

I’ve enlisted the Veteran, who works out religiously, to help me work on these problem areas.  He was in the army and served three tours in the sandbox.  He’s retired and now he’s living his best life.  He goes to the gym for hours on end and is the most muscular of all my male friends.  Anyway, I think I need to lift weights and do calisthenics to tone down and he can show me how to do all that cause that’s not my forte.

I know a lot of it has to do with diet too (eat more lean proteins, vegetables, and berries if I have fruits) so I’ve been limiting my complex carbs.  Actually this week, I’ve been feeling rather unhappy and miserable which is not conducive to eating like my regular self anyway.  I got the monthly woman disease which is really fucking my shit up…as if I wasn’t having a hard enough time already.  Monday, I had a cup of coffee, two protein shakes…I also was on the verge of crying all day but I managed to control myself.  Tuesday, I had seven small pieces of cheese and four gluten free crackers, a protein shake, a collagen shake, two cups of tea, and 40 oz of water.  Wednesday, I had the same shit as Tuesday.

This week, I’ve been trying to hype myself into going to the gym because I’m in sloth mode, but while I’m there all it does is bring clarity to my situation, which doesn’t help matters.  The only thing that makes me happy right now is the cooler weather.  It’s as if I was able to crawl out of the depths of hell.  This is sweater weather for me because I typically get cold when it hits the 70’s (because of the anemia and TBH I don’t know how I survived the brutal Minnesota winters when it was -60 with windchill).


The side profile looks somewhat better but damn my thighs look thiccc AF and not in a good way.  I’m told that I am my worst critic…but I’m the one who has to live in this body.  At least my Victoria’s Secret push up padded bra is giving.

Side note, don’t judge my mess in the pic.  I’m going through it.  I just bought those shoes otherwise I wouldn’t try them on inside the house.

Side bar, I have an appointment to chop off my hair this weekend.  It’s long overdue and I’m just over it.

After: I’ll post pics after a few months.  Wish me luck. cries

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29 responses to “before i become a gym bruh…”

  1. ibarynt Avatar

    Oooh you do have the a**, pass me some, I need it 🤣. You’re not typically oriental built are you? I’d say lucky you. I need some front and back 🤭.

    1. justrojie Avatar

      Lolol I wish I had a smaller ass so I can fit into a smaller size

      1. ibarynt Avatar

        The grass is always greener on the other side isn’t it? I’m petite, everywhere 🤣.

        1. justrojie Avatar

          😆 I think Asians prefer that though!

          1. ibarynt Avatar

            Not when you look like a hangar. I’m unable to wear certain clothes cause they hang on me 🤭🤣

          2. justrojie Avatar

            I would love to have that problem 😆

          3. justrojie Avatar

            Will do ☺️

          4. ibarynt Avatar

            I’ve replied on this and it doesn’t show up… let’s see if this goes through 😅

  2. Faizy Avatar

    😍😍 well there’s a big difference I guess, and best of luck for future

    1. justrojie Avatar

      Thank you!

  3. Jesse Pallante Avatar

    You look beautiful 😍. Don’t let anyone tell you any different. They would be lucky to have you.

    1. justrojie Avatar

      Aw thank you so much…that’s really nice of you to say that

  4. Kamalani Avatar

    Spank you 😉👅🤣🤣🤣

    1. justrojie Avatar

      lol you’re cray

      1. Kamalani Avatar

        Among other things, yes I am lol

          1. Kamalani Avatar

            So continue on, I’ll be waiting patiently for more 🫣🫢🤣😉

          2. justrojie Avatar

            Hah you’ll have to wait till I’m done torturing myself. Hopefully it will look better after. 🤞🏻

  5. Kamalani Avatar

    Well I will need a closer view of what’s needs to be better so I can be of ASSistance🫢😉🤣

    1. justrojie Avatar

      Any closer and you’ll be in my ass 🧐

      1. Kamalani Avatar


        1. justrojie Avatar

          I take it that you’re an ass man or??

          1. Kamalani Avatar

            Or i like to pleasure my counterpart in whichever pleases her, any suggestions? 🫢😉😂

          2. justrojie Avatar

            Hah your gf’s lucky then

          3. Kamalani Avatar


  6. Kamalani Avatar

    And? 🫢😂👅😉

  7. Tamyra Miller Avatar

    My lower body has always been thicker. You look great to me

    1. justrojie Avatar

      Idk why it’s always that way! Thank you

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