just rojie

shut up, sit down, and read


How do you express your gratitude?

A colleague made these homemade cookies for me because I helped her out.

Obviously, I’d tell the person “thank you” and. depending on the situation, I might buy the person a thoughtful gift as a token of my appreciation or an amazing meal.  If it’s for a service provided, I’ll give a generous tip.  Those are typically my go, but every once in a while, I might blog about the situation to detail the event and to memorialize it.

I’m not a baker and my cooking is good for an untrained chef, so I don’t generally make people food as a gift of thanks. 

There are times when I thank myself for a job well done.  I might treat myself to an Americano, clothes, shoes, purse, massage, or a pedicure.  Or I could simply just pat myself on the back and say, “Good job, bitch.  Now keep it going.”

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3 responses to “10-q”

  1. Kamalani Avatar

    Good job, bitch. 🫢🤣🤣🤣

    1. justrojie Avatar

      lol thanks!!

  2. Kamalani Avatar

    Youre welcome 😉🤣🤣🤣

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